Sleep is so easy a baby can do it, yet a billion-dollar industry exists, revolving around sleep aids for adults who find it elusive. Ways to induce sleep come in all forms: vitamins, Ambien, apps, recorded meditation tracts. Our society is willing to lay out a lot of cash to gain a good night’s sleep. But is all this necessary?
Cauliflower is a vegetable packed with nutrients. It is low in calories–only 25 calories for a one-cup serving, and it has 3 grams of fiber. Fiber is important in our diets to maintain digestive health, and cauliflower serves to keep your gut filled with the right kind of bacteria. This helps prevent constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and diverticulitis. It also contains 77% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C. Plus, it is loaded with Vitamin B6, Potassium, and Folate, too. Besides being rich in Vitamin C, cauliflower has an abundance of antioxidants, as do all cruciferous vegetables. The antioxidants in cauliflower are helpful for reducing inflammation and preventing several forms of cancer.
Shared memories are one of the things that make family and friends gatherings so special. In this socially distanced time, the holidays will look very different from years past. Getting together with people outside of your immediate household will be challenging, if not impossible. When you crave connections with others, thinking creatively is a good option.
Cold laser therapy uses low levels of light to stimulate healing. To contrast, other forms of laser therapy use heat to remove tumors or tissue from the body. Cold laser therapy does not ever heat the body tissue. Cold laser treatment is an FDA-approved method used to speed healing. For patients with both acute and chronic conditions, lasers can help to reduce swelling and pain; decrease spasms and increase functionality.
What can we do to ensure good mental health during COVID-times. In honor of October, Mental Health Awareness Month, we have some information and strategies that can improve your mental health.
Staying healthy is more important during a pandemic, and vitamin supplements can be helpful. Avoid any supplement that promises incredible results. Those are sure to be a scam but adding one or two supplements to your routine could keep you healthy.
According to Harvard’s T.H. Chan Medical School, “Dietary surveys in the US and elsewhere show that most people are consuming diets that do not meet national guidelines—often because of availability or cost—and such diets may not provide optimal quantities of essential vitamins and minerals.”
Want to get rid of Cornovirus, then set aside your antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers and return to a good old-fashioned bar of soap. This seems counter-intuitive, but let’s examine this a little closer. Antibacterial soaps are made to fight bacteria. We are dealing with a virus, so antibacterial soap is not the correct weapon. Hand sanitizers are good when hand washing is not an option—more on that later. Your best weapon during this pandemic is a bar of soap and good handwashing technique.
Medium-chain triglycerides, or MCT, are a type of fat typically found in certain oils, most notably, coconut oils. Various companies have started to take these fats and make supplements which purport to miraculously help you shed pounds, boost your endurance while working out, increase mental agility and stave off dementia. Let’s separate the truth from the hype. Read on to learn more.
Yes…,”prebiotics”…you read that correctly.You’ve no doubt heard of probiotics, but what are prebiotics? They are a key step in the digestion process and are gaining popularity. To find out what they are and if you should take them, read on.