healthy living

How to Cook with Essential Oils

Kimberly Distilli Essential Oils, Healthy Living, Nutrition Leave a comment   , , ,

How to Cook with Essential OilsMany of the Essential Oils available on the market today are extracted from plants that often double as spices or flavoring agents. This leads many to wonder if they can cook with their Essential Oils and the answer is yes!  Food grade Essential Oils can be used to flavor candies, baked goods, soups, and other savory dishes.

However, because these oils are incredibly potent you will need to use a great deal less than you would with regular spices. For example, herbal based oils such as basil and thyme have a ratio of one drop of oil for every teaspoon of loose spice.

When using citrus based oils such as lemon, lime, or grapefruit in place of a peel or zest, the flavor is a little more forgiving and you need not fear overpowering your dish. In your given recipe, replace one tablespoon of zest with 1/8 of a teaspoon of your corresponding oil.

You can even use Essential Oils for baking as a replacement for alcohol based extracts (i.e. using peppermint oil instead of peppermint extract). Essential oils are significantly stronger than these extracts; a good place to start would be using ¼ of a teaspoon of oil for every whole teaspoon your recipe calls for. If you are using the oils to flavor chocolate, you will want to be very careful with measuring your Essential Oils. Aim for ¼ to ½ of a teaspoon per pound of chocolate to avoid overpowering the candies. Below are more tips for how to cook with essential oils. Read more

Essential Oils for Allergies

Kimberly Distilli Essential Oils, Healthy Living Leave a comment   , , ,

With spring around the corner, many people are looking forward to a break from the dreary cold of winter while others are dreading the allergies that come with the changing seasons. However, there is no need to live in a haze of itchy, water eyes, clogged sinuses, and headaches. There are numerous Essential Oils that can help ease the worst of your allergy symptoms to let you enjoy the warmer weather and blooming flowers. Here are some tips for using essential oils for allergies. Read more

How Our Alkaline Water Helps Rid You of Toxins

Kimberly Distilli Detox, Healthy Living 1 ,

What is Alkaline Water?14359164_s
Our alkaline water is simply a brand of alkaline water with the potential to provide a number of benefits eclipsing those of regular water. The idea behind how it works is water is divided into its two separate entities via electrolysis: an acidic HO molecule and an alkaline OH molecule. Our water only contains the alkaline OH water.

But why would you only want to drink the alkaline half of traditional water? Today’s society consumes a high quantity of acidic food and beverages, to begin with, namely soda, which can lower the body’s natural pH balance making it too acidic. By drinking water low in acidity and high in alkalinity, you can restore your pH equilibrium.

Our water accounts for the highest number of alkaline water product sales in the industry, as it set the standards for alkaline water quality and is a trusted brand. Read more

How to Choose Your Produce: When to Eat Organic

Kimberly Distilli Healthy Living, Nutrition Leave a comment   ,

Nutrition-CounselingHave you ever stopped to read the label of a TV dinner? Chances are, you cannot pronounce half of the ingredients on the list, much less know what they actually are. Many individuals looking to improve their health and diet are turning to organic options, but it comes with a heavy cost. Eating healthy is not cheap, so it is best to understand what exactly it means to eat organic and when is the best time to do so.

What Does Organic Mean?
There are quite a few labels thrown around on food these days. The easiest to interpret is “100% Organic,” as it is exactly what it says. Food that is 100% organic contains no synthetic ingredients and will often come with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) organic seal. If the food item you are inspecting simply says it is “organic”, then it is made with at least 95% organic ingredients; it is also likely to have the USDA organic seal as well. The last label you are likely to run across is “made with organic ingredients.” This food is made up of at least 70% organic products, but is not allowed to carry the USDA organic label. Read more

How to Make Sense of Conflicting Dietary Advice

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Conflicting Dietary Advice

Diets are a dime a dozen these days. And many adults have tried their fair share. Atkins. South Beach. Jenny Craig. The Zone. The Biggest Loser diet. The cabbage soup diet – hard to believe, but it’s real. The list goes on and on. It’s hard to resist such tantalizing marketing with slender spokespeople touting their weight-loss success stories.

Everywhere you turn there are gorgeous celebrities recommending veganism, macrobiotics, juice cleanses, and just about any crazy food plan you can develop. But if you’ve done your time with diets, you know the truth, most of them work great…for a while but the success is rarely sustainable once you return to your regular lifestyle habits and regain the weight and more. Doctors seem to agree that this yo-yo pattern could be even worse than simply carrying a few extra pounds around. Not to mention…everyone is focused on the weight…there’s more to it then how much you weigh.

So what’s a concerned adult to do? We all want to be healthy and fit, we all want to look and feel our best, but there’s so much conflicting advice out there where diets are concerned that it can be difficult to know what to listen to. Should you avoid carbs or fats? Should you limit yourself to protein or vegetables? Which diet will lead to better lifelong habits and an improved state of health and well-being?

It can be difficult to know what’s right for you and for the human body in general with all the differing points of view. Bio-individuality (one persons food is another persons poison) is key in learning to eat what works best for your body. With a few pointers and common sense, you’ll have all the ingredients you need to create a recipe for success where your diet is concerned. It’s a journey and we are all on it…Here are some truly useful tips to get you started.

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