PSiO Therapy (Frequency-based Light & Sound Neurotherapy)

PSiO TherapyHave you ever pursued relaxation and not been able to achieve it? Or wished for more creativity and not been able to find it? Our brain has the ability to enter into various states. Most commonly known are probably the alpha state, a calm, meditative place, and the delta state, when we are in a deep, dreamless state. Our brain also spends time in the beta state when we are working on problem-solving and the gamma state, which is often associated with creativity or inspiration. Now, it’s possible to help your mind get into a different state when it has eluded you in the past, using PSiO therapy.

This therapy uses a combination of light and sound, relaxing and rejuvenating the body and the mind. Learn more about Frequency-based Light & Sound Neurotherapy (LSN) here. PSiO, like yoga for the brain, uses frequency-based light, transmitted via a pair of high-tech glasses, to stimulate visual zones, and sound or spoken voices, via headphones, to assist the mind in getting into a meditative state. While the PSiO technology is new, the light and sound therapy used in the technology is not.

Light Therapy

In 1903 Dr. Nils Finsen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for his study of the treatment of diseases with light radiation. The positive effects of light on the body have been recognized by people and doctors for many years. Light therapy is commonplace for treating jaundice in newborns, and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is often treated by sitting in front of a lightbox. PSiO applies the knowledge of light therapy in many new directions.

Audio Therapy

Audio therapy has been used successfully for decades in a variety of forms, from music therapy to creative visualization and even cognitive behavioral therapy. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), “Audio therapy is predicated on the hypothesis that attentively listening to recorded sound, such as music, spoken words, or ambient noise, affects thoughts and feelings, which in turn affects brain electrochemistry and body physiology.”


Because PSiO therapy is just emerging, this delivery method has been in development for 40 years or so. Preliminary research about PSiO is just beginning to take off, and you can read more about the various research topics here. Studies have been completed about the effect of light on melatonin, brain mapping, pain treatment, and more studies are underway. According to PSiO’s product material, “The PSiO technology has been used for over 20 years in hospitals to replace or reduce painkillers and sedatives that are normally administered alongside local…anesthesia to counter stress during surgery.”

PSiO therapy involves a pair of glasses, that offer Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) through various light displays. The LLLT is coordinated to sound/music and or spoken words heard through a headset.

The glasses deliver different colors of light as well as an option for pulsed light, used to help calm the brain and are effective at treating issues like stress and sleep disorders. The glasses also offer continuous light, used for therapy to relieve symptoms of SAD. The sessions last from 15 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on the type of meditation selected. Specific PSiO sessions include such topics as a power nap, stress reduction, sleep improvement, memorization booster pre-natal and many more.

Our office provides PSiO treatments, and we would love to tell you more about the benefits we have seen with this product. Please give us a call to learn more.

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