Oat milk is the latest contender in non-dairy milks, sometimes called “nut milks.” It is similar to other non-dairy milks on the market–soy, rice, coconut or almond milks. Unlike these other non-dairy milks, it’s a bit more versatile because it has a creamy consistency and it does not separate when it comes into contact with hot beverages. It’s the perfect choice for a non-dairy latte!

How Oat Milk is Made
Oat milk is made from soaking oats in water and blending. Then, the liquid is strained to remove any particles. What’s left is a smooth, creamy liquid that works well in coffees, baking or simply to drink. Oat milk is not overly-sweet which makes it a good substitute for dairy milk. While you can make oat milk at home, it is commonly available in the grocery store, as well. Always check the label of any oat milk you purchase at a grocery store because some companies add sugar or flavorings. This is especially true if you have Celiac’s disease as some additives may contain gluten. Oat milk will typically last five to seven days once opened, and stored in the refrigerator.
Is it Nutritious?
According to Healthline, “Oat milk is unique in that it’s free of many of the allergens found in other types of milk. Plus, it contains beta-glucans — a soluble fiber that may offer heart health benefits.” Fortified oat milks often contain about 35% of your daily intake for calcium and 10% of your daily iron. While oat milk is nutritious, it is important to know that it typically has more carbohydrates, calories and fiber than other non-dairy milks (and dairy milk, as well), and it has less protein than soy or dairy milks.
In the ever-changing beverage market, who doesn’t love choices? Oat milk provides you one more option for a dairy-free milk. Whether you drink it or bake with it, enjoy it in good health!