Acid Reflux and How to Manage It

Kimberly Distilli Education, Healthy Living, Nutrition Leave a comment   , ,

Everyone experiences some heartburn or reflux every once in a while, but if it’s a regular occurrence, you could be dealing with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This happens when stomach acid regularly enters the esophagus, and that acid irritates the esophageal lining. Over time this irritation leads to discomfort and pain. Read on to learn more about GERD and how you can help your body heal from its effects.

Symptoms of GERD

Once your esophagus is irritated, it can be difficult to heal.  Consulting a doctor is essential, so if you have the following symptoms, please seek medical help.  

  • Chest pain in your upper abdomen
  • Feeling like there’s a lump in your throat
  • Burning sensation in your chest after eating, or when lying down
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Persistent cough
  • Asthma flare-ups
  • Laryngitis

Your doctor will work to manage the symptoms, but getting to the root cause of your acid reflux is important, and you can take control by examining what food and beverages cause your reflux, and which ones make you feel better.  Look for culprits like dairy, processed and fried foods like potato chips, caffeinated drinks, and chocolate.

Healing the Esophagus

As you are healing, remember to drink lots of water, especially alkaline water (see our previous article on the benefits of pH water) since it can help to reduce the acidity in stomach acid.

Also, try adding slippery elm bark into your diet–either through capsules or in a tea form. The slippery elm bark has been used by Native Americans for healing.  It is from an elm tree and contains mucilage, which, when combined with water makes a gelatinous film that coats and soothes throughout the digestive tract, when taken internally.  

Coconut water also has a soothing effect on an irritated esophagus, and it is alkaline so can help with acid regulation. Since it contains fiber and protein and is relatively low in natural sugar, it can be a good drink for diabetics. Check labels if sugar intake is an issue for you, and be sure to find 100% pure coconut water, without any additives.

Digestive health is important. Reflux won’t be solved by changing what you drink, but making better choices over time will help to heal your body and avoid future complications.  

About the author

Kimberly Distilli

Kimberly Distilli, R.N. and founder of Wellness Balance, has spent almost three decades in the medical field. Kimberly devoted her life to taking care of others but it wasn’t until she became seriously ill with breast cancer that she discovered the impact of alternative, non-invasive therapies such as cold laser therapy, alkaline water, cellular cleansing and neurotoxin release.

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