Cannabidiol, a molecule derived from the cannabis plant is commonly referred to as CBD. This one molecule is becoming the current wonder drug. But can it really do all that people claim? Let’s sort through the hype to discover the benefits of this medicinal treatment.
May is Arthritis Awareness Month. We often hear the word “arthritis” but what is it and how can we prevent it, or treat it? While many types of arthritis exist, it is possible to improve quality of life through a variety of means. To find out, read on.
The early bird gets the worm. Make hay while the sun shines. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop. If you want something done, give it to a busy person. The Puritan work ethic that was instilled in the founding of our country has certainly not diminished over the 200-plus years since the U.S. was founded. But it’s morphed into something super-charged in recent decades, and this change has made us less-healthy. Busyness, and the addiction to it, drive us to do more, and push us to focus less on who we are.