
To TikTok Exercise or Not?

Kimberly Distilli Education, Healthy Living Leave a comment   ,
tik tok yoga
Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

There are lots of social media influencers promoting health trends on social media platforms–TikTok, in particular. But is this good advice or the equivalent of fitness snake oil?  

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Regulating Cortisol in Your Workouts

Kimberly Distilli Destress, Healthy Living 2 Comments ,

Cortisol is often known as one of our “stress hormones.”  It’s a hormone that causes several reactions when our bodies are exposed to a fight or flight type of stress.  It causes a release of gluocse into the bloodstream, and reproductive or digestive systems shift into a sleep mode so your body can deal with the threat.  This is a fabulous feature for those moments when a grizzly bear crosses our path, but for most Americans, this is a rare occurrence. Nevertheless, biology wins out and cortisol is released when we feel stressed, even if the stressor is not life threatening. 

Enjoy non-stressful workouts to keep cortisol levels low.

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