Do Vitamins Help in the Age of COVID?

Kimberly Distilli Education, Healthy Living, Nutrition Leave a comment  

Staying healthy is more important during a pandemic, and vitamin supplements can be helpful. Avoid any supplement that promises incredible results. Those are sure to be a scam but adding one or two supplements to your routine could keep you healthy.

According to Harvard’s T.H. Chan Medical School, “Dietary surveys in the US and elsewhere show that most people are consuming diets that do not meet national guidelines—often because of availability or cost—and such diets may not provide optimal quantities of essential vitamins and minerals.”

Assure Healthy Vitamin Levels

The current pandemic only increases some people’s risk for food insecurity. A lack of availability of healthy food due to shortages of workers and poor distribution adversely affect us all. Typically the poor are most affected.
Researchers at T.H. Chan stress that while, “we are not aware of good data on the effects of nutritional supplements on risk or severity of COVID-19, existing evidence indicates that supplements of several nutrients can reduce risk or severity of some viral infections, particularly among people with inadequate dietary sources.”

They suggest a standard Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) multivitamin/multimineral supplement whenever possible. These supplements ensure that our bodies maintain a standard level of nutritional supplies. More specifically, maintaining Vitamin D levels is very important. Our skin normally produces Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Most Americans’ D levels drop after summer. Testing for Vitamin D deficiency tends to be costly. Most doctors suggest their patients avoid routine testing, and simply take a supplement. Aim for 1000 to 2000 IU of vitamin D, daily. People with darker skin, which tends to block ultraviolet light should consider consuming up to 4000 IU per day. Be sure to avoid the idea that “if a little is good, a whole lot is better!” Overwhelming your body with nutrients is never the right approach. Stick to giving your body what it needs.

Get a Boost from Elderberry

Another arrow in your quiver of immune health is elderberry. Consider adding a daily dose of elderberry to your routine. Elderberry is a common immunity system support in many European countries. It’s often used to prevent or to remedy colds and flus. Adding this to your daily regimen can help to keep your immune system strong and prevent illness. Elderberry comes in a variety of forms including syrups, teas, gummies, and even body lotions. For the best benefit, choose the least-processed version of elderberry that you can.

Remember that supplements are just that—supplemental. They do not make up for a miserable diet. Eat healthy and during this Corona-time, supplement to be sure you are getting the vitamins you need.

About the author

Kimberly Distilli

Kimberly Distilli, R.N. and founder of Wellness Balance, has spent almost three decades in the medical field. Kimberly devoted her life to taking care of others but it wasn’t until she became seriously ill with breast cancer that she discovered the impact of alternative, non-invasive therapies such as cold laser therapy, alkaline water, cellular cleansing and neurotoxin release.

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