What Do We Know About Viruses?

Kimberly Distilli Education, Healthy Living Leave a comment  

When thinking about what this month’s newsletter should reflect, I was encouraged to talk about viruses.  I am sure you are in overload mode from hearing about viruses!  So, I apologize now to add to the information overload, but it seems like the perfect time to do a review of what we do know in serving you at Wellness Balance and some general information regarding viruses. Yes, if you are clients at Wellness Balance you will recall the Neurotoxin Release Protocol (Detoxing with Cold Laser) I use and that you were introduced to, is largely based on the premise that all health issues we succumb to are related to viruses. That said we also teach about how the body is designed to heal itself, if we keep it in its optimal state of homeostasis.

What do we know about viruses in general?

“Perhaps first and foremost, viruses present a special problem in biology and medicine because they are too simple to be classified as living organisms, yet they are able to invade living cells and direct the genetic machinery of these cells to reproduce the virus. Let me emphasize this point; viruses are not living organisms. This means they cannot be killed. (This is why antibiotics are useless against viruses.) Viruses are completely dependent upon living host cells and are detrimental to them – that is, viruses are parasites. The most obvious harm shows up when the host cells become full of viruses, upon which the cells stop acting as normal cells and can even burst and die. Viruses can alter host cells to such an extent that the result to the host is a deadly disease. 

Viruses are much smaller than cells, so small that we cannot see them with a regular microscope, nor can we remove them from drinking water with standard household filters. All they are is a small set of genes encased in one or two coats of protein. They float in air or travel in water vapor, and are virtually everywhere. Every breath you take in or let out contain viruses. But because viruses are completely parasitic, they are only active when they can invade a living host.” 

Dr. Paul D. Cosman, PhD Natural Medicine/Nutrition, Founder ViralScore™ International LLC

That last sentence referring to “they are only active when they can invade a living host” is key!  The body likes to be kept in a neutral pH place ~ 7/7.1.  When we allow our bodies to become too acidic, we create the perfect internal host site for viruses and all diseases.  This is important to always keep in mind. There are many ways to help keep your body at a neutral pH level.  Detoxing regularly and drinking your alkaline pH water is helpful, but as we can see, there are times in life we cannot have access to the practice of detoxing.  So, now it’s critical that you draw from what you have learned over your years at Wellness Balance. 

What can you do without the help of alkaline water and Cold Laser detoxing?

The first thing I hope most of you are thinking about is how to protect yourselves when you leave your home base.  Follow the CDC recommendations: use good hand washing, wear a mask when in public, cough into your arm, maintain social distancing and stay home when possible.

Secondly, we know that what we ingest is critical to our immune system and our internal homeostasis. If you cannot access your pH water you can use apple cider vinegar with water once a day. You can add lemon to your drinking water, or use lemon essential oil in your water or tea. You can research which foods are more alkaline-producing and eat those. Remember that processed foods create more of an issue for our bodies.  Now is the time to go back to the basic rules of healthy eating: varieties of vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, good fats, and small amounts of healthy proteins. This is not the time to overeat, or consume large quantities of sugar and highly processed foods.  We don’t need large quantities of anything to survive and thrive. Use this time to take inventory of what essential oils you have on hand and how they can be useful in cooking and maintaining your immune system.  Drink plenty of water and add lemons or essential oils to your water to help your internal pH.  Lastly, don’t forget to incorporate some healthy lifestyle activities; walking, sunshine, fresh air, talking to others, stretching, yoga, smiling and laughing!  Doing something for someone else, even if it’s just a text or a call.

As I try to decide what needs to be done around the house or what I can do to keep my mind active during these STAY AT HOME orders, I am reminded that life will never go back to “normal.” Once again we are challenged to live with yet a new physical threat to our health. What can we learn from this and how can we prepare for our lives after the crisis?  Those are the questions we are called to reflect upon over the next several weeks. What will our new practices include to resume gathering with family, friends and colleagues in a safe way? We have an individual responsibility to the collective outcomes.  How will YOU help change our social practices?  We know that NO virus can move itself around the globe. It takes a living host to move it!

Please stay home and stay safe!

About the author

Kimberly Distilli

Kimberly Distilli, R.N. and founder of Wellness Balance, has spent almost three decades in the medical field. Kimberly devoted her life to taking care of others but it wasn’t until she became seriously ill with breast cancer that she discovered the impact of alternative, non-invasive therapies such as cold laser therapy, alkaline water, cellular cleansing and neurotoxin release.

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