Learning More About Cold Laser Therapy

Kimberly Distilli Education, Healthy Living, Nutrition Leave a comment  

Cold laser therapy uses low levels of light to stimulate healing. To contrast, other forms of laser therapy use heat to remove tumors or tissue from the body.  Cold laser therapy does not ever heat the body tissue. Cold laser treatment is an FDA-approved method used to speed healing.  For patients with both acute and chronic conditions, lasers can help to reduce swelling and pain; decrease spasms and increase functionality.

We’ve discussed cold laser therapy in a previous newsletter, here. At Wellness Balance we use exclusively low-level therapeutic lasers: the Mk V (5mW Max Output/635nm Class III) and the EnerChi Elite Laser (Class I). Since they expend less than 5mW of power, the lasers will never cause tissue heating or damage. The visible light indicates where the laser is being directed, and as mentioned above, protective eyewear is not required. And the therapy works through natural fiber clothes so there is no need to disrobe. Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT) will not stimulate the growth of existing cancer cells and is safe to use on cancer patients. There are no known side effects of true LLLT. 


The lasers we use at Wellness Balance help fight inflammation in the body, reduce swelling and encourage the healing in joints and soft tissue. We use them pre-surgery, and post-surgery for orthopedic conditions including back pain, foot pain, shoulder, knee, and hip repairs or replacements. Chronic pain from diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or the various symptoms from Lyme are prime candidates for laser therapy.

Many medical practitioners, including doctors, dentists and physical therapists employ cold lasers in their practices.  You may hear this therapy referred to by these terms: low-level laser therapy, low-power laser therapy, soft laser biostimulation, or photobiomodulation. But whatever the name, the benefits of cold laser therapy are numerous, when offered by a trained professional. 

About the author

Kimberly Distilli

Kimberly Distilli, R.N. and founder of Wellness Balance, has spent almost three decades in the medical field. Kimberly devoted her life to taking care of others but it wasn’t until she became seriously ill with breast cancer that she discovered the impact of alternative, non-invasive therapies such as cold laser therapy, alkaline water, cellular cleansing and neurotoxin release.

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