Healthy Living

Hormone Balance and Support for Women and Men

Kimberly Distilli Healthy Living 4 Comments

Hormone Balance and Support for Women and MenWhile many people associate the word ‘hormone’ with teenagers, these molecules are present in everybody. They send signals to various organs and help to regulate how our bodies function as well as our behavior. Our bodies require a healthy balance of hormones to maintain good health.

For example, too much of the stress hormone cortisol can wreak havoc on your body and mental health. A little cortisol can actually help you deal with tense situations, but if you are frequently under stress, you end up producing too much of this hormone for too long. Side effects of prolonged stress include weakened immune system, interrupted sleep, headaches, weight gain, and more.

As you can see, unbalanced hormones are less than desirable. Using essential oils can help you readjust various hormone levels to help you lead a healthy and happy life. While both men and women can benefit from reducing their stress levels, there are a variety of Essential Oils that target hormonal imbalances specific to each gender. Read more

Easy Wound Care with Essential Oils

Kimberly Distilli Essential Oils, Healthy Living 4 Comments

Ok or perfect sign using hand with patches on fingersWhen it comes to caring for your body, you want to be sure you are only using the best quality soaps, hair products, lotions, etc, so why wouldn’t the same hold true for your wound care? Like many personal hygiene products available on the market, several first aid options contain chemicals that are questionable to use on the skin. Many individuals feel the benefits outweigh the risks, but for the naturopath at heart there are other more holistic options.

In addition to the homeopathic benefits many Essential Oils possess, they are also much faster acting as they are not water based. This means they will permeate the skin more quickly than traditional remedies. Therapeutic grade oils carry a number of healing properties an individual would expect and want for wound care. These include antifungal, antibacterial, analgesic (pain reliever), antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and more.  This post will cover wound care with essential oils. Read more

How to Cook with Essential Oils

Kimberly Distilli Essential Oils, Healthy Living, Nutrition Leave a comment   , , ,

How to Cook with Essential OilsMany of the Essential Oils available on the market today are extracted from plants that often double as spices or flavoring agents. This leads many to wonder if they can cook with their Essential Oils and the answer is yes!  Food grade Essential Oils can be used to flavor candies, baked goods, soups, and other savory dishes.

However, because these oils are incredibly potent you will need to use a great deal less than you would with regular spices. For example, herbal based oils such as basil and thyme have a ratio of one drop of oil for every teaspoon of loose spice.

When using citrus based oils such as lemon, lime, or grapefruit in place of a peel or zest, the flavor is a little more forgiving and you need not fear overpowering your dish. In your given recipe, replace one tablespoon of zest with 1/8 of a teaspoon of your corresponding oil.

You can even use Essential Oils for baking as a replacement for alcohol based extracts (i.e. using peppermint oil instead of peppermint extract). Essential oils are significantly stronger than these extracts; a good place to start would be using ¼ of a teaspoon of oil for every whole teaspoon your recipe calls for. If you are using the oils to flavor chocolate, you will want to be very careful with measuring your Essential Oils. Aim for ¼ to ½ of a teaspoon per pound of chocolate to avoid overpowering the candies. Below are more tips for how to cook with essential oils. Read more

Essential Oils for Allergies

Kimberly Distilli Essential Oils, Healthy Living Leave a comment   , , ,

With spring around the corner, many people are looking forward to a break from the dreary cold of winter while others are dreading the allergies that come with the changing seasons. However, there is no need to live in a haze of itchy, water eyes, clogged sinuses, and headaches. There are numerous Essential Oils that can help ease the worst of your allergy symptoms to let you enjoy the warmer weather and blooming flowers. Here are some tips for using essential oils for allergies. Read more

How to use Essential Oils for Emotional Health and Mood Management

Kimberly Distilli Essential Oils, Healthy Living Leave a comment  

How to use Essential Oils for Emotional Health and Mood ManagementStress, anxiety, and effects of depression plague a large number of us in today’s society. Whether this is due to environmental or psychological factors, the timely use of certain essential oils can vastly improve our emotional well being. The effects of stress on the body are numerous and largely not good for our health. While a little stress can be beneficial, excess or chronic stress can contribute to heart problems, ulcers, and worsen depression.

Essential Oils for Stress

Thankfully, there are a number of Essential Oils we can use to help reduce anxiety. One stress fighting oil is Patchouli. This potent oil not only relieves stress, but it also can control extreme emotions to help keep us feeling composed and serene. Read more

How to Use Essential Oils For Seasonal Threats

Kimberly Distilli Essential Oils, Healthy Living Leave a comment  

With seasonal threats in full swing, you may find yourself looking for natural remedies and defenses to keep yourself healthy. An excellent option to consider is using essential oils. Some oils provide a boost to your respiratory health or overall immune system while others are designed to provide relief of seasonal threats–some can even do both. 9049207_s Read more

Do you know GMO?

Kimberly Distilli Healthy Living, Nutrition Leave a comment  

GMODo you know GMO’s?
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are organisms whose genetic material has been modified using genetic engineering techniques. This process is not possible in nature or with crossbreeding. When discussed in the media, however, GMOs most often refer to genetically modified foods sold for consumption. The primary reasons for genetically modified foods is to improve upon them in some way, including their resistance to herbicides as well as their quality and nutrition. In the United States approximately 85% of corn, 91% of soybeans, and 88% of cotton are genetically modified.

Are GMOs Safe?
The answer to that question will depend entirely upon who you ask. The scientific community agrees that there is no substantial evidence to indicate GMOs are dangerous or carry any more risk than eating regular foods. However, many individuals against GMOs contend that a large number of these reports and scientific studies were funded by the very companies that sell them. Naturally, this would make any individual wary of the results.

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How Our Alkaline Water Helps Rid You of Toxins

Kimberly Distilli Detox, Healthy Living 1 ,

What is Alkaline Water?14359164_s
Our alkaline water is simply a brand of alkaline water with the potential to provide a number of benefits eclipsing those of regular water. The idea behind how it works is water is divided into its two separate entities via electrolysis: an acidic HO molecule and an alkaline OH molecule. Our water only contains the alkaline OH water.

But why would you only want to drink the alkaline half of traditional water? Today’s society consumes a high quantity of acidic food and beverages, to begin with, namely soda, which can lower the body’s natural pH balance making it too acidic. By drinking water low in acidity and high in alkalinity, you can restore your pH equilibrium.

Our water accounts for the highest number of alkaline water product sales in the industry, as it set the standards for alkaline water quality and is a trusted brand. Read more

How to Choose Your Produce: When to Eat Organic

Kimberly Distilli Healthy Living, Nutrition Leave a comment   ,

Nutrition-CounselingHave you ever stopped to read the label of a TV dinner? Chances are, you cannot pronounce half of the ingredients on the list, much less know what they actually are. Many individuals looking to improve their health and diet are turning to organic options, but it comes with a heavy cost. Eating healthy is not cheap, so it is best to understand what exactly it means to eat organic and when is the best time to do so.

What Does Organic Mean?
There are quite a few labels thrown around on food these days. The easiest to interpret is “100% Organic,” as it is exactly what it says. Food that is 100% organic contains no synthetic ingredients and will often come with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) organic seal. If the food item you are inspecting simply says it is “organic”, then it is made with at least 95% organic ingredients; it is also likely to have the USDA organic seal as well. The last label you are likely to run across is “made with organic ingredients.” This food is made up of at least 70% organic products, but is not allowed to carry the USDA organic label. Read more

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